Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'm Fresh

Starting new every once in a while is good. I have been going through a process of renewal in my walk with Christ. It started about two months ago. April fifth to be exact. 
I have some friends who go evangelizing and they were starting an evangelism training on Wednesday April fifth. I had been desperately wanting to learn more about sharing my faith and this was a great opportunity. At the begining of the training I was TERRIFIED about going up to a person and telling them about Christ. I had no idea what to say or how to bring it up and what if I didn't know the answer to a question that was asked? Surely I  would mess everything up! That's unusual for me to feel. I'm a pretty outgoing and confident person, but under these circumstances I wasn't. Through this training, I became more confident about sharing my faith. It prepared me for different scenarios and just gave me more knowledge about God and what my faith was really all about. During this training I found myself drawing nearer and nearer to God. During this training I discovered how much God really means to me. How really, truly righteous and glorious He is.  At the end of this training I walked away with a better understanding of what my purpose was here on Earth. I walked away excited and driven to tell everyone who came into my path about the greatness of God. I walked away feeling renewed.
You know that feeling at the end of a long weekend at a youth conference/rally when you're pumped for God and you feel like nothing can touch you? As if you were on top of the world? It's the most amazing feeling, but it usually starts to decline after a week or two. Well that's how I feel. The only difference is that I know in my knower, in my heart, in my mind and in my soul, that this feeling is NOT going to stop. This is the real deal. Every time I open my Bible, I'm reminded of what my God did for me. What He's promised me; how GREAT my God is.
All glory and honour and praise be to God. Hallelujah! God, You are SO good all the time. ALL the time, God, You are so good.
Driven. Inspired. A fresh start. New. This is how I feel about God. MY God.